MP3 Normalizer
MP3 files from different sources usually have volume levels that vary significantly. This forces you to change the volume manually when switching between MP3 files.
With X-Wave Mp3 Cutter Joiner, this is no longer a problem. The built-in MP3 Normalizer lets you normalize the volume levels of all MP3 files with a click. The MP3 Normalizer automatically selects the best volume level for each file, causing all files to be played back at the same volume level.

Manual adjustment of amplification offers a way to amplify quietly recorded tracks, such as a voice recording, to an appropriate level. Changes made to the amplification level are immediately reflected in the file waveform, enabling you to achieve the best result effortlessly.

You have the option to change the volume level of an entire file or its fragment. This lets you amplify quietly-recorded fragments without changing the overall volume level of the file.
Undo and Redo operations are always possible to return to the previous step or repeat an operation.
In contrast to most other audio editors, X-Wave MP3 Cutter-Joiner does not convert the data into WAV format before editing and then back to MP3. This means that the quality of your MP3 file will remain unchanged no matter how many operations you do on it. X-Wave MP3 Cutter Joiner also supports all operations for WAV files.
The built-in Cue Splitter lets you split a large audio file, such as an album or set, into tracks using data from the accompanying CUE file. For details, click the link: Cue Splitter.
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